Saturday, August 19, 2006


Hi we had a lovely weekend on the 12/13 August in Albury and Mt Beauty. We are now enjoying a lovely quiet weekend at home. Kids have had some playmates over . I have been trying to complete some posters for the school art show , next weekend. I have made a batch of choc chip cookies today, the kids enjoy eating the dough the best.
My next assignment for tafe , is a book cover, with a theme of Coffee. So imagery has to show some sort of relationship to coffee or a cafe. Still eluding me on this one.
My learning of web pages is coming along. We will hopefully have a front page operating next week, not online . Then have to learn how to add everything onto it. Very time consuming.
A logo for the local hospital's cafe that is to be opened in 5 weeks. The best logo out of the class will win $500 and hopefully be used by the hospital.
Thats it for the moment

Monday, August 14, 2006

florist logo assignment for tafe

Here is a picture of the with compliments slip i created, to match with a business card and letterhead as an assignment for a florist business .

The business cards had same imagery and folded out.