Thursday, May 29, 2008 minicards

These are the neatest small business cards i have ever seen. I uploaded a selection of photos taken by me and had them made into small cards like these ones. The website is based in London, but the cards came from Germany or Denmark? They arrived in Australia in less than 2 weeks.
I also ordered the small holders for them they are sooo cool. The kids loved them and they are a neat way of giving people your phone number than a scrap of paper . All under $50 .

Flourish bus card back

Business card made for Michelle in 2007 . We worked well together to come up with a fantastic looking logo and business card. It was printed with a matt laminate and looks great.

Flourish Business logo and cards

Front of Michelle's business card for her business Flourish landscapes.

numurkah singers program 2008

This is the program cover and back that I worked on with the Leader editor , for the Numurkah Singers performance of Good Vibes. It was an entertaining play, I took my 6 year old to see the performance. My first theatre program. I also helped edit the details inside the program. This was a fun job.