Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My bumpy journey through my fitness challenge

As I near the end of my 2nd round of participation in the 12WBT, I try to focus on what I have achieved over the last 12 weeks, and I then need to look back and accept that the last 12 weeks didnt go along quite as planned.
When i reflect on my last 6 months to know I have lost 9kgs, and put only one back on over the last 12 weeks, due to a few bumps in my routines and health along the way.  I have lost a total of 34 cms off my body.I have dropped a dress size. I am the lightest I have been since 2004.  I am happy that I have made this change to my life, so far.

My fitness has improved slightly in the right direction and i have worked out this week that my aching and sore hip is from trying to run on the road. So I have resolved that walking is better in the long run and that any exercise I get out to do is for the benefit of myself and my mood and body.I can still walk and talk, and my chest doesnt burn anymore. I struggle to attend the gym but when i get there I feel a lot better for it.

I managed to get one big work out in for the 12 weeks, a free PT workout near our local lake, and sponsored by 24 FIT gym . I made it,  slowly and couldn't move my legs for the next 3 days, but felt an achievement, in that i had actually got out of bed and made it to a class.

As I get ready to have a fun weekend in Sydney to celebrate with the other participants in the Round 3 of 12WBT, I will be also thinking about what my new goals will be for the next 12 weeks and what I am hoping to achieve. I am hoping from the enthusiasm from the 12WBT workout and challenges I will become more motivated to get it together and bring home some of the motivation with me, so that I can start moving forward again in my challenge to get fit.

During this current round, I didnt join in the weekly challenges, I struggled to keep up with the planned menus, I struggled to just get everything together.

Goals for the next 12 weeks, include getting some motivation back, to increase my exercise routine and get to gym at least twice a week. With a couple of walks in between. To learn how to do the exercise routines as suggested in the program.
To try to get back on track with my meals and to reduce the chocolate and sweets that keep creeping back when things don't go right or I feel depressed or frustrated.
To get through the silly season of the year with an increase in fitness and a reduction in size and weight will be an achievement within itself.
To enjoy some more active time with my kids and husband with bike rides and outings together.