Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Round 1 2013 Melbourne Finale

Michelle Bridges 12WBT Finale Melbourne Crown Casino 4th May 2013
This is me, I enjoyed celebrating getting through round 1 2013.

Albeit not a very successful round again, I gained 2 kgs through the 12 weeks and managed to remove the 2 kgs by the end of the 12 weeks. So I started and ended at the same weight. Easter had a bit of an impact and although i tried to be good, somehow the chocolate kept appearing and just had to be eaten. My bad.

I have however, been pursuing a better level of exercise in my life, I had a trial for 21 days at the local Fernwood Gym. I enjoyed trying out the Body Balance classes and learning how to do pushups and use my inner core again. Which is a nice feeling.

During my birthday week of holidays, i also had 3 person training sessions, after the initial shock and wanting to punch the trainer , cause my thighs hurt a lot, I can now work out harder and the impact on my muscles subsides quicker, doesnt take a week to be able to move again.

I am continuing on my path with the personal trainer once a week. It is so nice to feel my muscles being used. My legs are way stronger than they were 3 weeks ago, I can do squats, 20 squats is nothing now, compared to a couple of weeks ago, where i would struggle to do them without the wall or ball behind me.
I enjoyed joining in the Michelle Bridges finale workout, after volunteering at the finale last year in Sydney I  decided that it looked almost like fun, and people worked at their own pace. Mine being a beginner stage and low impact. So I gave it a go, Melbourne turned on the weather, cold wind and sprinkling of rain, nothing unusual in that. The sun finally came out near the end of the workout.
My goal for myself in the next 12 weeks, is to keep meeting with the personal trainer and not giving up, when it is too cold to get out of bed in the morning but JFDI.
To try to cut out chocolate at least for a week and then see how i go after that, reducing my sugar intake to try to make my body move again.
I am not joining in the round 2 of 12WBT but am going to try to move my body on my own.

My next goal is to be able to fit into a smaller dress size at the end of these 12 weeks, or to have lost 2-5 kgs. But to do this i will need to stay focused and continue on with my exercise quest.  If I really work hard who knows I might be able to go to the finale as a +1 if I can find a ticket, but to do that I will need to lose weight and reach my goals by the end of July.

Keep moving forward.
Am I focused? I dont know!!!