Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mediatation Weekend

I have participated in a meditation weekend for self discovery and creativity. It was an interesting journey . Held at a conference centre in the Stathbogie ranges near Violet Town in Victoria. The scenary and surrounds of the area are covered in bushland. Birds, bushwalking , rocks, wildlife. We rose early in the morning and the sunrise was spectacular through the trees, colours of warm reds and oranges. I enjoyed the Thai Che in the morning, this was new to me but I found it sort of calming. The actual workshops were not actually what i was expecting from the weekend, but i participated and found some of it appropriate to myself.  For fun we walked through the bush, i had my camera and pursued taking photos of trees and lychen on rocks, and looking down on the valleys in the distance. The forest was nice and quiet and peaceful, that in itself was a nice form of meditation for myself. We did some exploratory artwork, with pencils, textas, cutting and pasting, and materials. I enjoyed this part of the weekend and enjoyed playing with colours and textures with no pressures to create any thing with an expectation involved. What did i learn? I learnt i had a lovely time away from my family, and i enjoyed not being nagged or asked to do things for people all weekend. I enjoyed not having to cook - the food was nice. I also enjoyed returning home and having a Hudsons hotchoc on the way home and suprising hubby with a coffee and returning early enough to get some stuff done around the house before it got dark.
Onwards to this week and work, school, lunches, dinners, bills and all the usual stuff. Back to normal.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

This is my current project , needless to say it will be ready for easter 2010 and not in 2 days time.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have had an enjoyable few minutes, going back through my blog site and checking out what I have done over the last 3 years. I realise now what i have been missing lately is the urge to be creative and finish projects once they are started. I need to get off the computer and use my hands to create again.
Even with a New full time job, my new resolve - (it may not be new years) - but I will try to create something once a month. For myself and for self enjoyment.  Finish off the quilt i started 2 weeks ago for bush fire victims.
Finish up the easter embrodieries in time for easter. 
I have a great job , with great people . I have a great family. Kids that suprise me with their comments. In the art gallery in Benalla- "mum I know why those paintings are put there like that!." Why? "Because that one in the middle is the biggest, then that one over to the right is next and then the one on the left." the thought that they were put there in size evaded me, except that they had similar imagery of beaten up cars.
What a great age to take kids to the art gallery - they show you things that we take for granted  and bring us back down to earth. 
Put colour back into my day!!!!
Junior artist at work.