Thursday, June 21, 2012

My experiences so far on the 12WBT as I head into the end of week 3. I have started out slowly following the meal plans supplied, the suggested meals are fantastic. I have been adventurous and I have been introduced to two new meals that I would not normally indulge in, using red curry paste. I have been enjoying being in the kitchen and preparing meals. Unlike a few weeks ago where it was a big effort not to get something frozen out of the freezer and quickly microwave it. I have been preparing really nice meals from scratch, so even if I don't reduce my size hugely over 12 weeks, I will at least know I am able to cook tasty meals for myself.

My exercising is taking off slowly, having a few walks around my neighbourhood, a new membership to a gym, which I have been using and setting myself realistic goals that I know I can start out and maintain. Looking forward to spending time this week and starting a new gym program to keep myself motivated. My start with some exercise DVD's did quite keep going as I had hoped I might, but at least I know they are there when the crunch comes to get things moving, if I cant get outside or to the gym.

It is actually nice to see stretch marks, and feel a bulge less around the stomach as the last 3 weeks have progressed. Will be interesting next week when the 4 weekly measure up takes place.

The weekly inspirational videos have been a really great boost in the middle of the week, for motivation and to keep on track. I love that I dont have to make an appointment to see anyone to help me set up this program  and that I am in control of how much or little I put into my efforts.

I am very happy that I took the step to change my lifestyle for myself, no packaged products, no merchandising endoursements that have to be purchased to take part in the program, the menus can be adapted to meet any budget (with a little bit of time and preparation).

Overall I have been feeling really well for the last couple of weeks and my chocolate addiction is slowly changing to a mini chocolate addiction.

Cheers until next time.

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